There are so many times you sit and wonder.. What if??? The biggest question that plagues every living soul on the face of this planet. Every time you see or do something, this is one question that pops up in retrospect either at that moment or later. It is the truest example of cause and effect – the effect being the question…. Let us start with the most controversial topic on earth – Marriage… The first thing that pops up in anyone’s mind is What if I had refused…. Then subsequently What if I had run away from the altar/What if she/he is not a virgin/What if she/he finds out I am not.. What if…… Then comes the most dreaded phase of the dreaded phase of life… After marriage… What if I had played hard to get will she still…??? What if had not put on weight,would it change..???? Well this is just the start of it.. I shall keep posting on this topic.. and unlike the previous post, I definitely shall post this time… till then, ciao
There are so many times we often do things that we don’t intend to do. And then we wonder why we thought of them in the first place. You end up agreeing to things you would normally never do in a flurry of emotions, and then In retrospect we regret, or do we? I shall follow up this post with many such things/instances of “little” consequence. Till then Ciao.
So what happened to the scarecrows.. I know that is what is the common thought occurring to all and sundry…
C’mon guys wake up.. You think a rag doll with the face of a monster painted on it scares crows… It has stopped scaring 3 year olds..
The other day I overheard a lil girl telling her mom – “Oh! mummy, look the poor guy standing in the middle of the field doesn’t have good clothes to wear… Can I go a give him a few of daddy’s shirts; the ones he’s become too fat to wear… Oh please maw, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeassssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee….”
There I go again goin bang on a tangent.. I never wanted to write ’bout scarecrows and corn-fields.. So I’ll get back to what I wanted to write ’bout..
As You Sow, So You Reap…. Well it sounds very nice… So every Mr. Goodboy and Ms. Goodgal, go out and do all the good they can, and get all the good in return… Since when did this part of the universe rename itself as UTOPIA.. So since we are still on plain old EARTH, lets take a realistic situation.. Tommy, is a do-gooder by birth, a habit he can’t get rid of.. So everyday, be it rain or sun, he sets out to always do good for people around him. As time goes by Tommy joins an institution of good repute, and owing to his habit, continues to do what he has.. Then one fine day, there comes along Mr Newguy. He as Tommy sees it is very popular. Tommy holds him in high regard, and shares his comfort zone with him.But there is always this one thing that troubles Tommy. Always and every single day, one from Mr Newguy, and his posse, lands up being on the wrong side of the fence. Tommy can’t do anything but overlook this and say to himself, “They will all learn one day.” He tries to create an atmosphere, where his team is always satisfied. Unfortunately for Tommy all this doesn’t come without a price. The following month his team decides not to achieve their target.. The same repeats in the coming months. He loses his credibility with his Boss.. The board starts questioning his being the team leader. He takes all this with a smile on his face and a shrug of his shoulders. His friends all ask him to take corrective measures before he is sacked.. He has but one reply for all of them, “Leave my team be. They are humans and not machines. Man is error prone. They will learn in due time..”
This goes on for long, but just ‘cos of his nature, the board, and his Boss, pardon him continually.. Then one day all effing hell breaks loose…. Mr Newguy and his bunch of buddies, start thinking that they have become too good for our poor Tommy. Newg says to his mates – “Guys what is this Tommy all about. We do as we please, and Tommy can take my middle finger where the sun doesn’t shine.” Poor Tommy unaware of the happenings comes to the department and says – “Hey there my dear colleagues, I have got some bad news. It so happens that our new Boss, has passed a diktat, that there shall be no more coffee breaks between 10 and 4. So please adhere to this and I guess it’ll all be over in a coupla days..” The days pass and Tommy feels discontent growing in his team mates. Then one day it happens…. Tommy sees his entire team move to the lounge the moment it is 10.. He as usual, the do-gooder he is, goes upto them and tells them, “Guys, what are you doing? I had briefed you all ’bout the break right… C’mon guys its jus gonna be on the Boss’s mind for maximum another day, and then its gonna be back to normal… Please don’t do this..” Then Mr Newguy and his gang all turn in unison, show poor Tommy their fingers and march off to the lounge…. F&^% YOU TOMMY It rings in his ears.. So loud he can’t hear his phone ringing. He decides to teach them all a lesson. A lesson for being the thankless b@$(@*#$ they have been… He walks into his boss’ office, and says, “Sir I wanna tell you something important..” Without waiting for his boss to speak, he continues in one breath, “My guys have gone too far this time…..” and rattles out what just happened. His boss being the prick he is, tells our man in the coldest tone, “Fine. Tell them my office, 10 minutes” Tommy walks out feeling light. He feels at peace with himself. He tells himself, “They deserve this and more. After all that, I share with them, they give me this…. Thankless ba……” Tommy calls his team and tells them what they need to know, and walks off. Blissfully unaware of what happened between the boss and his team, Tommy walks into office, with the same gleam on his face, as though everything was normal….. Even before he sits himself down, Mr Newguy, storms into his office, abuses under his breath, and without batting an eyelid says, “Well, well well, Mr Snitch. How are we today? All well and happy I hope… So justice has been delivered eh! Screw Newg and justice shall be done eh Mr Twofacedsonofabitch.. Woah! the entire team shall screw around, but Newg is the guy who is wrong.. Tell me one thing To.fucking..mmy, do you have a mirror at your place.. If you do have a look at yourself, Mr Alwaysontherightpath.. Fucking disgrace to morality, is what you are.. HOW MANY TIMES WERE YOU WRONG?????????” The last line echoes in Tommy’s ears.. He loses all coherence of thought… His vision blurs.. He cannot, in fact does not want to believe all those things are coming from Newg…. A guy whom he thought, understood him.. A person who he thought could fathom what his life’s twists were.. But NO…. “So you and your fuckking ethics can go to pigs.. You unethical, two-faced, lying, dirty ba……” And Newg leaves the room….. Well what I had to say ends here. But this is what happens to people like poor Tommy. As he sow, he fed birds like Newg.. And as soon as the birds were full, they took off, leaving Tommy, with an empty field and face full of SHIT.. From such situations, people take the binary solution. Soln 0 – Screw that Newg. I’ll be the way I am. He is no one to judge me. Soln 1 – Well, since there is no use being what I am, might as well be what Newg told me. Unethical, Two-faced, lying, dirty bas…..
I aint’ done no research, to give you numbers, as to how many Tommies opted for 0 and how many 1.
But I do think that this post shall get the Tommies out there to pour out what they want to…
I leave this here for you to comment on..
Non-Conformity – A way of Life
Ever thought why things happen the way they do?
Ever wondered – ‘What if it hadn’t happened that way?’
Ever mulled over not having to do something just because you don’t want to…..
Welcome to the world of non-conformism. Why do you have to get up in the morning and go to office? Why can’t it happen at an other time of the day?
Why do ‘All good things come to an end’ have to be?
It almost amazed me when I realized how robot like I have become over the years of my existence. Nodding my head in approval ‘cos i was told to do so.
If you dis-agreed then there used to be a barrage of reasons thrown at you at infundibulous speeds, as to you shouldn’t.
Come to think of it, man has been non-conformal in one way and conformal in the other, something like the two sides of a coin.
Take for instance the story of evolution. Man decides not to conform to Mother Nature’s whims of keeping him an ape, so he evolves. But then the moment he evolved, he conformed to not eating raw meat, and not sniffing up other humans rear ends.
Take for instance the story of evolving transportation. Man decides not to be bound by the force of gravity, so comes up with airplane. But who the hell on planet earth asked him to build it in the shape of a cigar. Why not like a flying saucer (the U.F.O kinds)??? Why not like my mom’s upside-down cakes?? Why Why WHHHHHHYYYYYYY???
Pondering over the issue leads me to one singular conclusion….. SECURITY…….
I know half of you who read this would be saying the same….
But it is sadly true.. By being conformal, one develops a sense of falsified security, a fortknoxic feeling in a hut..
He feels he is at no danger of needing to change his style, way, or attitude towards life. But aren’t we our own masters, at least isn’t that what everyone wants to be. To dictate his own terms , to lay his own roads and to lead life the way he deems fit. But NO.. Sad but True the answer is NO. Tough everybody aspires for the above-said things no one in reality wants to implement them. Because they do not want to take the pains of being pioneers in doing it. Pioneers I say… People in their sane (in –their- sane) minds would agree if I called them samples, rather than examples. नमूने they’d be called… For what, for bloody not agreeing with you and me.. Half… In fact more than half of the things that we know, or claim to know are because of people who didn’t give two hoots to being called a नमूना.
Conformity binds you to extents where you are forced to think all people who do not think the way you do are non-conformal idiots. Hello, if your dad and mom thought the same way they wouldn’t be your dad and mom.
People talk big, about free thinking, innovation, parallel thoughts, crapo this and crapo that and blah and blah and blah….. endlessly. How do they think others will achieve these goals without thinking out of the box, without, even for the milllionth zillionth pentahyperexaggeratedillionth part of a second becoming NON-CONFORMAL.
Non-Conformism is not a disease that you should ostarcize someone for being so. Encourage him/her to being non-conformal. It is human nature, to return to a stable state, much like the elements. So no one is going to remain a nonc (my term for non-conformists) for the rest of his life. He’ll soon be conforming……………….. To being non-conformal……………
Give it a thought……….. As usual I am open for comments..
Do Marriages Last??
The topic sounds very very controversial, but it ain’t.. Think.. What does the topic mean.. Do marriages last??
YES.. Oh really!! Well let us first understand what happens in any marriage.. Be it love or arranged or any other way.. The girl and the guy have reached a compromise.. Tough to believe.. I’m sorry but that is the way it is.. Before we get married we are individuals.. Kings and Queens of our own castles.. We live by what little rules we lay down for ourselves.. There’s nothing called sharing of our personal space (even remotely) But then one fine we decide to get married.. What are we doing?
- You have agreed to live as per a “mutual” set of rules.. There’s no more me but it is us.
- You have agreed to share your personal space with someone..
This is just two of the many things that change..
But for simplicity lets stick to just these..
Now after your married and all, you live your life, according to what ‘deal’ you have struck.. But then there comes a time when all of us start feeling.. “It was much better of when I wasn’t married” or “I had so much more time to myself, I could do anything I wanted any time I wanted to”..
This thought slowly starts to poison us from within.. And we are merrily ignorant to the fact that the other person might be feeling the same too.. Days pass into months, and months into a few years and lo and behold!! ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE..
You start fighting over things like.. “Were you faking last night”.. “You’re no better in bed than.. Whatever, in fact I think it is better” “Why is the toast too brown, it has been 3 years and you still don’t know what I like” “You don’t see me the way you used to any more”
Do these things sound familiar..
If they do then you better get cracking, consult sumone who can counsel the both of you..
If they don’t, then work towards never having to listen/ say them..
Now tell me.. “DO MARRIAGES LAST??”
You had agreed to be with your better half in all sorrow and joy, in all falls and rises, in all wrong and right.. But now what happened..
Ladies and Gentlemen.. You might be happily married for 30 years for all I care, but do you think you are still ready to compromise all that you did when you got married.. Please don’t answer it ‘cos I know that it’ll be in the negative..
Now there will be that group of people who will say that with age comes maturity and blah blah blah…
Crap.. All plain crap.. My question is simple, you were ready to quit smoking, drinking, cards, hanging out with friends, going out bowling on a Saturday night..
But if it is no.. then have you ever wondered why?
Are u wondering?? Good you are working towards solving the problem..
You are not!!!!!! You better start.. Lest it might be too late..
Your comments are gladly welcome
© Rahul Sitaraman, 2020. All rights reserved. Views expressed are personal except where cited, and written without any malice or ill-intention. i can be reached at and
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My Experiments with the Lens…
Are U Happy???…
Well my day has started off on a pretty good note.. Was havin a discussion with a senior of mine last night. It has led me into this thought – why is there so much discontent in people?
Jus look around you and u will find people not happy, even if they are happy they could be happier. Why is this so? Have u ever wondered? Why is that when ur colleague gets a raise u can never appreciate it whole-heartedly?, or Why is it that when ur junior does better than what u did, u develop a mild dislike toward him?
All these years I have been thinkin and have come upon a conclusion – People don’t want change. We have developed a fear, a fear for change. We’d rather have the same things goin on, again and again, year after year, month after month, day after day, minute after minute. We do not want to evolve..
It is something like Aamir’s dialogue in RDB – ‘College ke andar DJ ki koi aukat hai, log kehte hai DJ me koi baat hai’ ‘Bahar hazar DJ pit gaye’….
Is it this fear. Is it the fear of taking up something new and failing. Till when are we going to live this way. Have we ever bothered to think, if this fear had crept upon the minds of our forefathers what would’ve happened? Me and u would have probably not existed, even if we had, probably not the way we are now. So why do we fear, when we have so many aids, technological, scientific, social…
I leave this here.. I would love your comments on this.. Please feel free to add on..