
Do Marriages Last??

Well here i go again..

The topic sounds very very controversial, but it ain’t.. Think.. What does the topic mean.. Do marriages last??

YES.. Oh really!! Well let us first understand what happens in any marriage.. Be it love or arranged or any other way.. The girl and the guy have reached a compromise.. Tough to believe.. I’m sorry but that is the way it is.. Before we get married we are individuals.. Kings and Queens of our own castles.. We live by what little rules we lay down for ourselves.. There’s nothing called sharing of our personal space (even remotely) But then one fine we decide to get married.. What are we doing?

  • You have agreed to live as per a “mutual” set of rules.. There’s no more me but it is us.
  • You have agreed to share your personal space with someone..

This is just two of the many things that change..

But for simplicity lets stick to just these..

Now after your married and all, you live your life, according to what ‘deal’ you have struck.. But then there comes a time when all of us start feeling.. “It was much better of when I wasn’t married” or “I had so much more time to myself, I could do anything I wanted any time I wanted to”..

This thought slowly starts to poison us from within.. And we are merrily ignorant to the fact that the other person might be feeling the same too.. Days pass into months, and months into a few years and lo and behold!! ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE..

You start fighting over things like.. “Were you faking last night”.. “You’re no better in bed than.. Whatever, in fact I think it is better” “Why is the toast too brown, it has been 3 years and you still don’t know what I like” “You don’t see me the way you used to any more”

Do these things sound familiar..

If they do then you better get cracking, consult sumone who can counsel the both of you..

If they don’t, then work towards never having to listen/ say them..

Now tell me.. “DO MARRIAGES LAST??”

You had agreed to be with your better half in all sorrow and joy, in all falls and rises, in all wrong and right.. But now what happened..

Ladies and Gentlemen.. You might be happily married for 30 years for all I care, but do you think you are still ready to compromise all that you did when you got married.. Please don’t answer it ‘cos I know that it’ll be in the negative..

Now there will be that group of people who will say that with age comes maturity and blah blah blah…

Crap.. All plain crap.. My question is simple, you were ready to quit smoking, drinking, cards, hanging out with friends, going out bowling on a Saturday night..

Are u ready to do it even now????
If yes.. then CONGRATULATIONS.. I wish that u continue the same way for years to come..

But if it is no.. then have you ever wondered why?

Are u wondering?? Good you are working towards solving the problem..

You are not!!!!!! You better start.. Lest it might be too late..

Your comments are gladly welcome


© Rahul Sitaraman, 2020. All rights reserved. Views expressed are personal except where cited, and written without any malice or ill-intention. i can be reached at and

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