
And so Time Passes by…

There are so many times you sit and wonder.. What if??? The biggest question that plagues every living soul on the face of this planet. Every time you see or do something, this is one question that pops up in retrospect either at that moment or later. It is the truest example of cause and effect – the effect being the question…. Let us start with the most controversial topic on earth – Marriage… The first thing that pops up in anyone’s mind is What if I had refused…. Then subsequently What if I had run away from the altar/What if she/he is not a virgin/What if she/he finds out I am not.. What if…… Then comes the most dreaded phase of the dreaded phase of life… After marriage… What if I had played hard to get will she still…??? What if had not put on weight,would it change..???? Well this is just the start of it.. I shall keep posting on this topic.. and unlike the previous post, I definitely shall post this time… till then, ciao