Well my day has started off on a pretty good note.. Was havin a discussion with a senior of mine last night. It has led me into this thought – why is there so much discontent in people?
Jus look around you and u will find people not happy, even if they are happy they could be happier. Why is this so? Have u ever wondered? Why is that when ur colleague gets a raise u can never appreciate it whole-heartedly?, or Why is it that when ur junior does better than what u did, u develop a mild dislike toward him?
All these years I have been thinkin and have come upon a conclusion – People don’t want change. We have developed a fear, a fear for change. We’d rather have the same things goin on, again and again, year after year, month after month, day after day, minute after minute. We do not want to evolve..
It is something like Aamir’s dialogue in RDB – ‘College ke andar DJ ki koi aukat hai, log kehte hai DJ me koi baat hai’ ‘Bahar hazar DJ pit gaye’….
Is it this fear. Is it the fear of taking up something new and failing. Till when are we going to live this way. Have we ever bothered to think, if this fear had crept upon the minds of our forefathers what would’ve happened? Me and u would have probably not existed, even if we had, probably not the way we are now. So why do we fear, when we have so many aids, technological, scientific, social…
I leave this here.. I would love your comments on this.. Please feel free to add on..